The Health Centre operates out of Jubilee Centre, 21 Nelson Rd, Observatory, Cape Town. It offers medical care, physiotherapy, HIV testing and counselling and crisis pregnancy counselling.
Jubilee’s various social ministries, gears towards assisting the needs of the community, are rooted in the desire to see transformation and restoration, not only in physical circumstances but also in the hearts of people.
In the local church, we are a community of God’s people who gather to worship and live for Him. Each person is entrusted to play a particular part; serving one another and the community, and reaching out with the gospel as salt and light in the world in which we live. Our experience of a kind and loving God who rescued us is at the core of every endeavour. It is out of the overflow of His love that we give our time, resources, expertise and skills to others.
Jubilee Community Church, In Observatory run a project called Cinderella’s Wardrobe. It is a project that provides beautiful dresses and shoes for young women to borrow for their Matric Dance. For more info, please email Shantell at: shantellf@jubilee.org.za
We are a church made up of people from all kinds of different backgrounds, races, nations and ages who have discovered and accepted the transforming grace and kindness of Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2022 Jubilee Community Church – Cape Town, South Africa
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